A Career In 30 Minutes (Institutional Economics Highlights): Dr. Daniel Bromley
This past May, Dr. Eric Scorsone and I had the opportunity to host meetings with some of those still active and interested in Michigan-Wisconsin Institutional Economics (or the Great Lakes School of Institutional Economics). As part of these meetings, we were able to interview Dr. Daniel Bromley, Emeritus Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics as part of our oral history project. In a 30-minute interview at the Kellogg Center, Eric (as interviewer) attempted to touch on as many important parts of Bromley's story as possible. The interview starts at the beginning of Bromley's academic career at Utah State in the early 1960's, where he studied Ecology. From there, Bromley talks about his transition into issues of law and institutions, the conception of his earliest works, and ultimately the conception of his latest book, Possessive Individualism: A Crisis of Capitalism (Available October 14th, Oxford P...