Veblens Instinct of Workmanship pg. 253-265
Veblens Instinct of Workmanship pg. 253-265 We continue this journey still in the chapter on the “Era of Handicraft’. The next section of the book may be why some religious leaders did not appreciate the line of thinking that Veblen was taking. He referred to several times about the “cult” of religion. He also notes that religious and theological thinking dominated the nature of overall preconceptions of most people. Further, academic inquiry was oriented around the question of “what hath God ordained” . In the handicraft era, that began to shift. He begins with the good of “man” begins to become the preconception as opposed to the nature and needs of God. Hew rites in characteristic veblenian fashion that “the sentimental ground of conviction comes to the recognized serviceability of the ascertained facts for human use, rather than their conformity with the putative exigencies of a self centered divine will” One can see the shift that Veblen is claim...