Veblen Instinct of Workmanship pg 160-170
This section begins with a simultaneous causality of predation creating ownership and ownership creating predation in Veblen's mind. He says regardless of which comes first there grows with ownership a sense of differentiation between people based ons status, occupations, habits and many other characteristics. In fact, people begin to grow in self-interest and the common interest that is exemplified by the parental bent is greatly diminished. To the extent that any interest beyond the self exists, it is based on a false patriotism towards the flag only and not in the common good for all who reside in a community. Again, Veblen notes that as private ownership, wealth and predation grow so too does the power of the priesthood grow as well. Generally, in fact the warlike Goods become predominant as this helps build the myth around those who are the warrior and predatory class. The monarch is then supported by the priesthood (and can also be brought down by th...