Academic Detective Work #1: Writing About the Origins of a Model
Academic Detective Work: Writing About the Origins of a Model Recently the anniversary of the start of our MSU/Great Lakes Institutional Econ project came and went, with little fanfare other than a brief review of the past year's accomplishments during my annual review. It has always been a little weird to me to see days or months of work summarized in a few bullet points or publications. This got me thinking about all the hours researchers and academics in general can put in to even the most straight-forward seeming pieces. We call it "research", but some of the time our searching takes us well beyond the usual academic channels and requires some TV-montage-worthy sleuthing. In sub-fields like economic history or institutional economics, this is more obvious. In these fields, the ability to do some academic detective work outside of scholarly journals is a large determinant of success in the job. When writing about the origins of a model or of some line of thought, th...